
YS Group

Organizational structure

Quickly generate organizational structure to comprehensively improve organizational management efficiency
Department managementA flexible structure of multi-level sub-departments for complex organizational structures;
Post managementVisual post editing management to make the division of labour more clear;

Employee management

One-key bulk import of employee information to be shown in lists, making it easier for handling entry, transfer,dispatch and dimission
Employee detailsAs many as 20 items of employee information to equip enterprises with a full understanding of their employees
Employee filesAll employee information from onboarding to offboarding is stored electronically and permanently

Entry management

One-key delivery of contracts for signing for quick handling of entry formalities
On-line signingSend On-line electronic contract to staff who have confirmed their arrival;
Contract managementManage initiated contracts and update signed status in real time
Contract templatesSupport multiple template selection, and customized uploading templates for different departments and different posts.

Social insurance management

Pay social insurance and provident fund for employees, and support fast handling of staff changes
Mobile submissionIdentity authentication and data uploading can be completed on the mobile terminal
Transparent costsClear breakdowns of monthly fees and account balance, allowing for refund for any overpayment, or a supplemental payment for any deficiency;
Resources sharingSupport real-time query about national social insurance calculator, deadline calendar, and social insurance policy library.

System management

Certify companies and rapidly configure enterprise users
On-line certification of enterprise qualificationSubmit enterprise information on-line, and enjoy more services;
Invoice settingPreset the contents and mailing address of invoices in a more convenient manner.

Data analysis

Perform data analysis of submitted orders
Company/city analysisSupport free choice of time cut-off points, and inquiry of specific payment data in different branches and cities
Details of reportUp to 35 items of employee information details can be exported with clear and detailed data;
Data perspective windowAnnual number of enrollees who participated In social insurance /various expenses are clear at a glance.
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YS Group

Hotline: 4001-123330

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